Settings ======== Woven has a number of configuration options that can be set in your project's Django They are all optional. :: #List of hoststrings to setup on as per Fabric. HOSTS = [] #eg ['','',''] #You can group collections of servers instead of HOSTS as per fabric ROLEDEFS = {} #This would be used instead of HOSTS eg {'staging':['']} #The ssh port to be setup. We change the port for security HOST_SSH_PORT = 10022 #default #User can be defined here instead of in the hosts/roledefs HOST_USER = '' #Since password login will normally be disabled you can define it here #for just ssh key security per host HOST_PASSWORD = '' #As per fabric KEY_FILENAME option to specify a path to an ssh key to use SSH_KEY_FILENAME = '' #The first setup task is usually disabling the default root account and changing the ssh port. ROOT_USER = 'root', #optional - mostly the default administrative account is root DISABLE_ROOT = False, #optional - disable the default administrative account ROOT_PASSWORD = '', #optional - blank by default #The default ssh port, prior to woven changing it. Defaults to 22 DEFAULT_SSH_PORT = 22 #default DISABLE_SSH_PASSWORD = #optional - setting this to true will disable password login and use ssh keys only. #Firewall rules (note HOST_SSH_PORT/tcp is always allowed) ENABLE_UFW = True #default - setting this to false will disable UFW #Any rule(s) defined will overwrite the default UFW_RULES = ['allow 80,443/tcp'] #default - see Ubuntu UFW for more details about rules ROLE_UFW_RULES = {} # eg {'postgresql':['allow 5432/tcp']} #The default ubuntu packages that are setup. It is NOT recommended you overwrite these #use ROLE_PACKAGES if you want to define all your packages HOST_BASE_PACKAGES = [ 'subversion','git-core','mercurial','bzr', #version control 'gcc','build-essential', 'python-dev', 'python-setuptools', #build 'apache2','libapache2-mod-wsgi', #wsgi server 'nginx', #webserver 'python-imaging', #pil 'python-psycopg2','python-mysqldb','python-pysqlite2'] #default database drivers #Package notes: #If you define gunicorn in your extra packages then apache and mod-wsgi will not be #installed, or will be removed. psycopg2 or mysqldb will only be installed #if they are required by your DATABASES engine settings. #Put any additional packages here to save overwriting the base_packages HOST_EXTRA_PACKAGES = [] #define a list of repositories/sources to search for packages #Current just handles Personal Package Archives (PPAs) LINUX_PACKAGE_REPOSITORIES = [] # eg ['ppa:bchesneau/gunicorn'] #Role packages give you complete flexibility in defining packages with ROLEDEFS. #By default any role that does not have role packages defined installs the HOST_BASE_PACKAGES + EXTRA_PACKAGES instead ROLE_PACKAGES = {} #eg ROLE_PACKAGES = {'postgresql':['postgresql']} #Apache list of modules to disable for performance and memory efficiency #defaults to the following: APACHE_DISABLE_MODULES=['alias','auth_basic','authn_file','authz_default','authz_groupfile', 'authz_user','autoindex','cgid','dir', 'setenvif','status'], #Virtualenv/Pip DEPLOYMENT_ROOT = ''# defaults to /home/$USER. PIP_REQUIREMENTS = [] # list of text pip requirements files (not pybundles). Defaults to any file in the directory with `req` prefix # Note: Woven will also look for zip files matching the requirements in the dist directory. #you can use the bundle management command to create these. PROJECT_APPS_PATH = '' #a relative path from the project package directory for any local apps. See also the wsgi template. #Application media - as per build_static app STATIC_URL = '' #by default this is set to the ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX STATIC_ROOT = '' #by default this gets set to the admin media directory if admin is used #Database migrations MANUAL_MIGRATION = False #Manage database migrations manually